Podcast episodes, resources, how-to-guides (and more)
Season 1
You’re Doing
For startup founders and marketers tired of learning about growth the hard way
Check out older posts for tips on research, CRO and competitor analysis. Or scroll down for templates, guides and other resources
Templates and guides
Resources for
Grab them so you don’t waste time reinventing the wheel
A 3-step evaluation to see if you may run into messaging issues as you scale
Going through reviews (yours or competitors’) can make finding the right words to attract your prospects so. much. easier.
Differentiation analysis. Mapping out your case studies. And — my personal favorite — a monster research organizer.
Choose your own adventure by scrolling through published posts:
Launch optimized website copy overnight (and actually get more conversions)? Yes, if you've got reliable feedback loops to run in the background
Setting up surveys and forms in advance can help you master rapid updates and iterations, for example: figure out what should replace the "Insert you value proposition" here placeholder, how to turn product features into customer benefits, describe the problem your product is solving in the words that make your audience gasp in recognition — and sign up.
CUX email onboarding: savvy nudging towards an 'aha' moment
Sometimes, there is one action your new users must take before anything else can happen. But how do you balance “We really, really need you to do this asap” and “Totally not nagging”? Some tricks from cux.io.
Otter email onboarding: painlessly segment your users with sneaky surveys
Your onboarding sequence flow will depend on the features of your product, your “aha!” moments to be, and your goals for specific groups of users. Even if your product attracts all kinds of users, not all users are equal in terms of profitability. Looking for ideas on how to determine which freemium users you should prioritize? Meet Otter.ai and their very deliberate approach to onboarding.
Woven email onboarding: a brilliant sequence to drive engagement
Discover techniques to get more engagement and to gather customer feedback on autopilot — all in your onboarding sequence (you've got one, right?)
How to combine facts and emotions to make your sales pages irresistible
You need to provide information about your offer to help your prospects see the value that you're offering — of course! But how do you combine facts with copy that makes your prospects crave your offer? This goes beyond replacing “fee” with “your investment”, or adding verbiage along the lines of “this course will change your life”.
In this post, read a tear-down of a sales page that highlights the importance of keeping your tone consistent, making your readers feel excited, not judged, and making sure they don’t drop off because you skimped on the facts.