Tune up underperforming
landing pages, web copy and email sequences
and get to growth faster

Get your copy from 80% to 100%, so that you can focus on building, instead of wondering “Is it the product… or is it the copy?”

You may not know is how to translate your product knowledge into converting copy.
Or you’re a scrappy marketing generalist and copy is not necessarily your strong suit.
Either way, working with a conversion copywriter on your copy can make a difference.
(Like getting 12% more conversions.)

For founders and solo marketers at early-stage startups

Ways to work with me on improving your copy without breaking the bank

Copy audit

Packages start at $250

Think it’s your copy? You may be right. We’ll go over your website page by page and discuss the ways in which you could improve it to get higher conversions:

  • finding the best-fit copy framework

  • removing friction and addressing objections

  • adding missing social proof points

  • connecting features to meaningful benefits

Copy tune-up

Packages start at $550

Like copy audit, except we break it up into 2 rounds:

  • first, we do a copy audit to uncover what may not be working

  • during the second call, we review the updated copy and do the last round of optimization to get it launch-ready

There’s no deadline to schedule the second call — you can move as fast as you want to. I’ll be available for follow-up questions between the first and the second calls in case you have questions.

Ongoing coaching

Packages start at $1,000

For startups that are running experimentation sprints to find their best-fit audiences and/or channels, and want to make sure they’re not losing out on new segments and customers because of execution or biased discovery interviews scripts.

Weekly check-ins, copy tune-ups or “How do I do this?” AMA sessions. Book time for weekly check-ins or to workshop your copy as you’re testing new channels and new copy angles to find the ones that work.